Anastácio Sicato é o novo Ministro da Saúde de Angola
O Presidente angolano, José Eduardo dos Santos, nomeou hoje o médico Anastácio Sicato para suceder a Sebastião Veloso como novo ministro da Saúde. Sicato, que actualmente exerce medicina em Portugal, foi um dos dois nomes apresentados pela UNITA para ocupar o Ministério da Saúde, pasta que cabe ao maior partido da oposição nos termos do acordo que levou à criação do Governo de Unidade e Reconciliação Nacional.
José Eduardo dos Santos acabou por voltar a preterir o nome de Carlos Morgado, antigo médico pessoal do falecido líder histórico do Galo Negro, que mais uma vez encabeçava a lista enviada pela UNITA ao Presidente da República.
Em 2004, quando o Chefe de Estado preferiu Sebastião Veloso para a pasta da Saúde, Sicato e Morgado eram os outros dois nomes que constavam das escolhas da UNITA.
Fonte: Notícias Lusófonas
Etiquetas: Anastácio Sicato, Unita
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Às 4:47 da manhã ,
Dhansingh Gurung disse...
14 Days Manaslu Circuit Trek high light trekking route in Manaslu Trekking Packages, and magical beaten track of hidden Valley Manaslu Larke La Pass 5150m. After Annapurna Circuit Trekking Most of Trekkers are thinking about the round Manaslu Trekking. The Manaslu Circuit Trek is restricted area of Special Trekking Path in Nepal and day by day Trekkers Demand increased and also develops lodge accommodation and foods. There is some option if some of trekkers has more holidays and want to see nicer Himalayan tropical villages Monastery and Trans Himalayan people they can select Manslu Tsum Valley Trek. That can make both destination combined Tsum Valley and Manaslu Base Cam with Lark La Pass. The Manaslu Trekking is little more expensive than others Trekking Routes, Because those trekkers who are interest to go Round Manslu Larke la pass or Manaslu Tsum Valley they have to buy four type of Trekking Permits as Manaslu conservation area of Project (MCAP), Manaslu Restricted Permit, Tsum Valley Restricted Permit and Annapurna Conservation Area of Project (ACAP).
14 Days Manaslu Circuit Trek Start from Kathmandu to Arughat to Sotikhola by Public bus or Jeep and Trek to Machhakhola, Jagat, Filim, Deng, Namrung, Lho, Sama Gaun, Samdo, Larke La Pass, Bhimtang, Gho, Tilje, Dharapani and Drive to Besi sahar to Kathmandu. During this trip can get amazing Himalayan flavor with outstanding white Himalayan scenery which of eight top high peak Manaslu Expedition and Ganesh Himal, Singi Himal, Annapurna II, Annapurna IIII, gangapurna, Lamjung and Many Others Trekking Peaks. Everest Trekking Routes Selling 14 Days Manaslu Circuit Trek full board Packages Kathmandu to Kathmandu. If anyone interest can contact us directly thank you.
Às 4:49 da manhã ,
Karma Eco Adventure Nepal disse...
Dear travel lovers,
Warm greetings from Nepal !!
We, the team Karma Eco Adventure is a leading travel and trekking company based in Kathmandu Nepal dedicated to help travelers in the country with personally crafted tours and treks. Do kindly check out our featured trip packages as: Ganjala High Pass Trek Annapurna base camp trek, Annapurna circuit trek , Ghorepani poonhill trek, Annapurna sanctuary trek, Everest base camp heli trek , Everest base camp trek
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